Rejection is a tool of the Devil to block your favor. in a sense it is the favor of the enemy. When an individual is denied of receiving special unmerited free gifts from others the devil is happy. For every individual that is saved has access to favor. God has already given it to you! The problem is receiving by removing the barriers out of their way. It is not so much that one is favored more than other always but the one receiving and walking in their favor believes and doesn't have rejection in their way. For the word of God says he has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Ephesians 1:3
Spiritual blessing is the empowerment to receive to get everything that we need here on earth. The scripture says that he has given us everything which pertaineth to life and godliness.
We have to proclaim it
Luke 2:19 NIV To proclaim the year of the Lord favor.
Favor is not only to claim but also to proclaim to speak it in the atmosphere for example: I have the favor of God because Jesus has has giving me his favor. Everything he has, I have that blood brought wright to it. Rejection may have come from our past, including generational. it may have come from disobedience God says that if we confession our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Or it may be witch craft curses. yet it can be and will be removed so your faith can flow!
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