My sister my brother if you want
respect: number one you first have to respect yourself!
Psalms 139:14 NIV I praise you
because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know
that full well.

You may be fine as wine or ugly as a
pit-bull dog but you do not need to use your body in order to get people to
like you or do things for you. One day you will get older and you will see what
I mean, your youth is only for a season but respect and confidence can be
Psalms 139:4 says that you are fearfully and wonderfully
made. Yes you may be awesome on the out side but you need to let someone wonder
about what is under your clothes and not make it obvious!
In these end times the church is
almost just as bad as the world. I am not saying that you are going to hell
because of your indecent clothes (we are saved by grace his unmerited favor)
but you may cause someone else to stumble and go to hell because of the fall!
So in a sense that is Aiding and a
Betting. You are causing someone to
commit Adultery with your provocative clothes.
Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you that, whosever looketh on a
woman to lust after her have committed adultery with her already in his heart!
Yet many have an attitude that this
is my body and I will wear what I like don’t tell me what to do!
That may be fine if you are trying to
get likes on google or Facebook. Or if you are trying to seduce or become a
rock star in the church to get fans.
But to be frank with you it is not
your body if you are a Christian you are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Confidence in who you are and whose you are is more attractive than nudity.
I have been saved for over 30 years
and it was much different then. When I received the Holy Spirit I felt
conviction. If I dressed too revealing I had to go back in the house and change!
As a matter fact if I did anything wrong there was conviction (I mean I felt
really uncomfortable or bad).
Now a days saints use the Holy Spirit
just to shout, speak in tongues, prophesy and fall out yet they forget about
the scripture in 1 Timothy 4 to dress decent not showing your cleavage or nipples or your
Many layman have been convinced that
this is the norm especially if they have been seeing the Pastor, Minister or
even First Lady dressing that way!
In the past I visited a Methodist
Church in my old neighborhood. One Day one of the ministers sitting in front of
me and my husband stood up they had low rider slacks on with their crack
exposed (a woman) it was about 3 inches long in length. I could not understand this, couldn’t she
feel like something was out of order dah! possible a breeze in the air!
I have seen many Ministers laying
hands on people similar to this!
And if you say something to them
about if you might hear Oh I didn’t know or you just old fashioned, or hating
on me! Are you kidding me! Hating that you simply don’t care about being disrespected
or lusted after. My Lord this is the house of God not a night club or strip
club. Maybe some are using the same clothes that they used when they were
clubbing! The Bible says that if any man be in Christ he or she is a new
Be transformed by the renewing of
your mind. You can change if that is
what you want to do! God will give you strength as well as get the club spirit
out of you. He will teach you all things in order for you to be all that you
can be in the Name of Jesus!
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