Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Don't let your walk with God be in vain!

I will continue to tell the truth and not give you compromise because I love you people of God! I cannot make your ears itch, that seems to be popular, it is a lonely walk when the crowd don't receive you! But I rather have Jesus! 
Many are compromising! Why wait to the last and evil days to begin to Back slide and begin sinning again. You see the signs but choose the pleasure of sin that only last for a moment or a season! All the years that you were save now you play church. Repent and Choose Life!
Deuteronomy 30:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Don't let your walk be in vain. There is no sin that you have done that God can't forgive. You may be way out there playing in the church sleeping and creeping yet God can turn your life around. You may have been hurt in the church yet God can heal you right now in your living-room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom or while your are driving your car or even attempting to go to that mans house that womans house. Open up your mouth and say now to the devil.  

Please Respect Yourself Cause We Really Don't Want To See All Of That!

My sister my brother if you want respect: number one you first have to respect yourself!
Psalms 139:14 NIV I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Hat, Clothing, Fedora, Shopping, Buy
You may be fine as wine or ugly as a pit-bull dog but you do not need to use your body in order to get people to like you or do things for you. One day you will get older and you will see what I mean, your youth is only for a season but respect and confidence can be forever!
Psalms 139:4  says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Yes you may be awesome on the out side but you need to let someone wonder about what is under your clothes and not make it obvious!

In these end times the church is almost just as bad as the world. I am not saying that you are going to hell because of your indecent clothes (we are saved by grace his unmerited favor) but you may cause someone else to stumble and go to hell because of the fall!
So in a sense that is Aiding and a Betting.  You are causing someone to commit Adultery with your provocative clothes.

Matthew 5:28  But I say unto you that, whosever looketh on a woman to lust after her have committed adultery with her already in his heart!

Yet many have an attitude that this is my body and I will wear what I like don’t tell me what to do!
That may be fine if you are trying to get likes on google or Facebook. Or if you are trying to seduce or become a rock star in the church to get fans.
But to be frank with you it is not your body if you are a Christian you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Confidence in who you are and whose you are is more attractive than nudity.
I have been saved for over 30 years and it was much different then. When I received the Holy Spirit I felt conviction. If I dressed too revealing I had to go back in the house and change! As a matter fact if I did anything wrong there was conviction (I mean I felt really uncomfortable or bad).
Now a days saints use the Holy Spirit just to shout, speak in tongues,  prophesy and fall out yet they forget about the scripture in 1 Timothy 4 to dress decent not  showing your cleavage or nipples or your crack.
Many layman have been convinced that this is the norm especially if they have been seeing the Pastor, Minister or even First Lady dressing that way!
In the past I visited a Methodist Church in my old neighborhood. One Day one of the ministers sitting in front of me and my husband stood up they had low rider slacks on with their crack exposed (a woman) it was about 3 inches long in length.   I could not understand this, couldn’t she feel like something was out of order dah! possible a breeze in the air!
I have seen many Ministers laying hands on people similar to this!
And if you say something to them about if you might hear Oh I didn’t know or you just old fashioned, or hating on me! Are you kidding me! Hating that you simply don’t care about being disrespected or lusted after. My Lord this is the house of God not a night club or strip club. Maybe some are using the same clothes that they used when they were clubbing! The Bible says that if any man be in Christ he or she is a new Creature.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  You can change if that is what you want to do! God will give you strength as well as get the club spirit out of you. He will teach you all things in order for you to be all that you can be in the Name of Jesus!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Happy New Years let it be sweet with Jesus!

It is my prayer that you and your family experience a Blessed prosperous victorious and Sweet 2016. May you leap into this New Years rejoicing because Jesus loves you and he is soon to return. As long as you are alive you still have hope! Get your life right with God today! There is no hope beyond the grave! 
Do your remember how the preachers used to say He's coming back again well He is!

Hebrews 3:15 While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.  

With the signs all around it is a fact that we are living in the last and evil days. 

There are Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, tornadoes. There is a great turning away! 

Find you a Bible believing Church to attend to receive the un-graphed Word of God that is able to save your soul! Don't be stubborn!
Let's all be ready when He comes!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Get off the Emotional Roller Coaster Ride!

Thirty something years ago I received Christ as my savior, and for the emotional part it has been a roller coaster experience. Concerning faith, believing God, concerning love, trust and finally sin. But guess what I am not the only one. 

From day one my faith was challenged I believed God very strongly but when adversity came I took the thought. 

Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment.

Thoughts affect our minds in which has an impact on our emotions. Satan uses the mind through manipulation of the thought the process. 
He will say to a person I don't feel saved today to make and individual believe that it is them thinking the thought. Or he may even say I don't feel good or am not good enough. 
Those were the enemies thoughts but because he is a deceiver in the past we took the thoughts and accepted them as our own. 

Jesus said don't take every thought for your life he was warning about the deception. He told us in verse 6:33 of the same chapter to seek ye first the kingdom of god.
Distributing thoughts has been part of the game plan of the enemy to keep the people of God from being victorious in their walk. 

if Satan can get that corrupted thought to you and than get it to the emotions than one will operate in the flesh and not the spirit. The word of God says to walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust (the evil desires of the flesh!) 
Praying is good but resisting  by speaking is even more effective.

 People don't just sin there is a plan behind sin It starts with a thought 
Isaiah 14:12-15 NIV
12How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
13You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.b
14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.”
15But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit. 

Verse 13 said he said in his heart I will 
He willed it and as for as God was concerned the crime of treason was already committed. in the mind in the heart!

2 Corinthians 10:3-5King James Version (KJV)

3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ

We have to cast down the imaginations the stronghold in which are Words that the enemy is constantly shooting at the believer, because if he can get you to believe what he is saying to you than you are defeated!  

  •  The definition of a Stronghold is a fortress so spiritual strongholds are fortresses consisting of words, thoughts, images and imaginations. All of this is done to get one to doubt and dis believe God!  Some fortresses took years to build yet a few days to tear down. We need to build a fortress of the Word of God as well as a fortress of commitment to God
We are not to be ignorant concerning the devices of the enemy. Stop taking every thought that comes to mind. This is how depression, suicide comes to mind. It become a problem when one began to respond and entertain the thought!

Satan will apply pressure on the flesh and emotions along with the thought. 
Many individuals have learned how to master resisting the devil when it comes to their finances or their happiness, or health but what about struggling in sin fornication, adultery, lying, drinking, smoking, etc. it works the same way! 
Begin to open up your mouth and resist and say no I am not receiving what you are saying to me devil I will live holy for God! I Will in Jesus name!

These are the last days don't play with words!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

God is Changing things for me!

The Last 5 years were some very difficult  years but God is changing things for me and my spouse. We began to sow by faith this year and we begin reaping a harvest. God is faithful but we as believers have got to remain faithful for a return. One of the main reasons why many of God's people don't receive their harvest is because they give up too quickly and throw the towel in too fast. 

The devil will speak to the minds and say what's the use aint nothing happening. See I told you that faith stuff don't work. Yet if you just wait a little while longer and not speak  negativity about giving and believing you will see a change!
I have 2 testimonies (1) I called up a creditor on the phone to pay a bill and when I asked them how much I owe they told me that the bill was already paid I was rejoicing because I know I didn't give them the money it was favor  (2) I went in B.J.s to pick up a free membership Card. While browsing around in the store a very popular phone company approached my husband and asked him about acquiring phone service with them. My husband said no thank you I will keep my old phone, but maybe my wife is interested. Only one thing her credit is bad and I don't think its going to happen for her. I had the company check my credit and the woman's mouth drop down in disbelief and my husband watching her expression replied I told you she can't get no credit. The representative responded you need to stop being so negative and have a little faith in you wife because she has credit with us (for a considerable  amount) and I was able to leave the store with my phone and went back to get an apple tablet. God is good. Credit scores has nothing to do with your faith in God He is able to do all things including fixing Credit. This just bumped up my faith to a new level to believe God for bigger and greater things! Not only is God blessing others, giving miracles to other but he is doing it for me!  I am going into 2016 with a Leap!